Snowfall in Britain, mercury forecast to drop to minus 20

Jan 9, 2025 - 11:45
Feb 15, 2025 - 12:26
Snowfall in Britain, mercury forecast to drop to minus 20

London: Different parts of the United Kingdom are in the grip of extreme cold and snow these days, the Meteorological Department has predicted that there is a possibility of overnight snowfall in London. According to foreign media, the Department of Meteorology has predicted cold weather and more snowfall in the next few days. In some areas, the temperature may drop to minus 20 degrees in the next few days. fa113c7f973a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10& It should be noted that like other cities in the United Kingdom, heavy snowfall continues in Manchester, a new yellow warning of black ice and extreme cold has been issued in Manchester. Temperatures in Manchester have plunged to -7, forcing 140 schools to close. The snow on the highways has turned into black ice. Due to heavy snowfall, many trains are canceled, flights are delayed, Leicestershire also experienced heavy snowfall and flooding. The 32-year record of heavy snowfall in America was broken According to reports, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has pulled out vehicles stuck in floodwaters at several locations, while a number of new yellow alerts have been issued by the Met Office.

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