Warm weather forecast in Karachi from today

Mar 6, 2025 - 12:57
Warm weather forecast in Karachi from today
Warm weather forecast in Karachi from today

According to the Department of Meteorology, the weather in Karachi is likely to remain hot from today and the intensity of heat will increase further from tomorrow.

 The Meteorological Department said that from tomorrow, the temperature in Karachi may be between 35 and 38 degrees Celsius, with hot and dry winds blowing from the north-west for most of the day, while sea breezes are likely to resume in the evening.

 The Meteorological Department further said that the intensity of hot weather is likely to persist till March 12, after which western winds may affect the upper and northern regions of the country and after March 12, the temperature is expected to drop in Karachi.

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